Cattle Insurance


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  • Cattle refers to Cows & Buffaloes, Cats, Horses, Stud Bulls, Bullocks, Buffaloes, Calves & Heifers

  • Insurance period is of 12 months or for a long term of 3 to 5 years as per term of loan

  • The policy covers risks such as loss due to death, accident, illness or disease of the animal

  • The value of the cattle forms the basis for loss settlement in Cattle Insurance policy

  • Policy also covers transit of cattle from the place of purchase to stable located within 80 K.M

  • For transit above the stipulated distance, additional premium @ 1% is charged

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    Protection Under a Farm Policy

    If you have a small to medium-sized spread, a farm policy protects your structures and animals. Similar to homeowner's insurance, this policy covers livestock individually or as a herd. Your livestock is covered if they are on your insured premises, but not while they are in transit or away from your spread. This policy also protects other personal property, like farming equipment, hay, feed, structures and your home. Animals like chickens or other birds aren’t considered – they’re "poultry" that must be covered separately.

    Protection From Perils

    Life happens fast. It's important your cattle are covered in a serious emergency like a fire, smoke exposure or an explosion. Peril insurance should cover your livestock due to theft, flooding or earthquake. If your livestock is hit by a vehicle or if they die from a collision of the vehicle that transports them, this is also covered. Depending on circumstance, you may consider adding a "broad peril" coverage to your policy. This additional clause insures against extreme perils like a boulder falling on the animals, an attack from predators or even accidental shooting.

    Animal Mortality Coverage

    Limited animal mortality coverage can reimburse you for cattle that die from injury. If you need broader coverage, full animal mortality reimburses you for animals that die from disease or age. Sadly, Cattles die for many reasons, but this form of insurance can help you recoup your losses. If the Cattle dies from a pre-existing condition or if the death is owner-caused, you likely aren’t covered. Make sure your animals are healthy because you'll need to prove this before you renew your animal mortality coverage.

    Stray Animals Are Covered

    Animals have minds of their own. Sometimes, they stray from your farm or ranch. insurance is usually an option. But it's essential if you're concerned about animals escaping and being accidentally harmed or dying. With straying coverage, the livestock's death can be covered if it has been struck by lightning or a vehicle. It should also cover your animals if they’re shot by a government official protecting the public from possible harm. Even if you think your animals are safely cooped up or that your fencing is adequate, you never know when one or more might stray away.

    Stay Safe From Liability

    Since cattles can be unpredictable, it's essential to include some form of liability coverage with your insurance. This protects you against claims of damage against you or your property. For example, if a horse kicks an employee or visitor and causes bodily injury, your insurance should cover the costs. It also applies to property damage, so if an animal damages someone's vehicle, for example, it's covered.

    Your Assets are Protected

    Every animal you own is an investment, which is why livestock insurance is so important. This insurance reimburses you for the current market value of any animal you lose. Whether it's fire, flood or another catastrophe, it's important your hard-earned money is safe so you can replace any livestock that are lost. Consider extra coverage if you live in a high-risk area or if you're concerned about changes in livestock prices.


    Medical Bills

    As vet fees are usually the primary reason for taking out a pet insurance policy, it's important to know how far your insurer will go to help you out with the associated costs. When you compare pet insurance policies, look into whether the insurer covers consultations, examinations, scans, tests, medications, surgery or hospitalisation as part of the policy.

    Third Party Injury & Accidental Damage

    You may find yourself in hot water if your dog causes damage to someone else's property, or worse still, damage to someone else. As Rover doesn't have a savings account, you as the owner could be considered responsible for costs to replace or repair a damaged item. If he hurts somebody, you could face a day in front of a judge for his actions.

    Death Cover & Cremation

    Sure, it's hard to think about! However, some insurers offer a level of cover in the event that your pet should die from illness or an accident. Typically, a policy will cover the price you paid for your pet or their current market value, which may be particularly important if you paid a large sum of money for a highly sought-after breed or pedigree.

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